Scene 3

Scene Three...Family Dynamics
Time: Same evening, Friday, November 9, 1945
Place: Emergency room and Lois's hospital room
Storyteller: Janet

I suffer through Mom's tests. Those needles make me queasy. Good thing my stomach is empty.

Dad arrives, out of breath and bickering with my brother. He demands a private room for his wife.

Alas, Dad gets his way and Mom is settled for the night. Her color is pink again.

I'm sitting on the bed. "You look back to normal. Propped up with pillows. Smiling. Mind if Paul and I get a coke since Dad's here with you?" He's pacing back and forth, wearing out the floor.

"Please go, Janet. Your non stop chatter is driving me crazy. Those test results are taking long enough," grumbles Dad.

"Harry, be patient. What would I have done without her today?" Mom sticks up for me.

"Paul, how did you get here so soon?" I ask.

"Betty called the shop. Then I picked up Dad at the Rotary Club."

"Where's the Hudson?" I'm curious about Dad's car.

"It's home. Mr. Billingsley gave him a ride to the meeting."

"Paul drove at least eighty, bumpy all the way, but under the circumstances..." Dad mumbles on as I slip out the door behind my brother.

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