Scene 82
Scene Eighty-Two...The Kennel Club #5
Time: Lunch hour, Wednesday, October 2, 1946
Place: Harry's law office
Storyteller: William
Mr. Robertson doesn't want Betty to pop in on us at the boat, so he asked me to come to his law office.
"Harry, I've been covering for you since May, but Janet is suspicious and worried. She said, and this is a quote, 'If I see Dad or the Hudson at the dog track again, I'm telling Betty.'"
"Lord, she can't do that. Betty will tell Lois and I can't lose my wife."
"William, did Betty tell you about Easter of '27?"
"No. That was a generation ago."
"It's yesterday to me." Harry's eyes turn to the window.
"I'm in Miami. The family is in Ardmore. Betty's Grandma Allen takes her shopping for an Easter outfit in Philly. Paul, only two, is napping. Lois washes her hair. She steps out to check the mail. The door slams and locks her out. She isn't wearing a coat, or jacket, or even a sweater. It's cold. She's cold. Her hair is wet."
"The lady next door walks over. She goes back to find her husband."
"He brings a ladder and tools. Removes the door from hinges."
"Lois runs to Paul's room. He's sound asleep."
"Why didn't she break a window?" Harry turns back to me.
"Ladies don't think of doing those messy things," I say.
"She was outside too long and caught pneumonia. When I arrived for Easter, she was in the hospital, delirious with fever. I stayed there night and day until she was 'out of the woods.' What a scare. If she finds out about this gambling business, she might leave me. I need Lois, but she doesn't need my money. Her dad made it big in the iron and steel business.
"That explains her trust fund. So don't go to the dog track again. Then Janet won't tell Betty and Betty won't tell your wife."
"What about Joe's? I don't want to give up those crabs."
"Only go to Joe's with family. If you go with your buddies, they might tempt you into betting on a couple of races...and a couple more...then you'll be off and running like those dogs, gambling again."
"Great idea. Problem solved."
"You've been saying that since May. Since none of my suggestions have worked for you, and you are really in a pickle with Janet, you might have to try something severe."
"Like what?"
"Don't go to South Beach at all without family. If that doesn't do the trick, move away."
"Matter of fact, I've been thinking about retiring and relocating after Janet graduates."
"What are you going to do about her junior and senior years?
"Only go to South Beach with family and play a lot of golf in Viridian."
"Sounds like a winner."
Harry's secretary rings. His 1:30 client is waiting. I make my exit.
Time: Lunch hour, Wednesday, October 2, 1946
Place: Harry's law office
Storyteller: William
Mr. Robertson doesn't want Betty to pop in on us at the boat, so he asked me to come to his law office.
"Harry, I've been covering for you since May, but Janet is suspicious and worried. She said, and this is a quote, 'If I see Dad or the Hudson at the dog track again, I'm telling Betty.'"
"Lord, she can't do that. Betty will tell Lois and I can't lose my wife."
"William, did Betty tell you about Easter of '27?"
"No. That was a generation ago."
"It's yesterday to me." Harry's eyes turn to the window.
"I'm in Miami. The family is in Ardmore. Betty's Grandma Allen takes her shopping for an Easter outfit in Philly. Paul, only two, is napping. Lois washes her hair. She steps out to check the mail. The door slams and locks her out. She isn't wearing a coat, or jacket, or even a sweater. It's cold. She's cold. Her hair is wet."
"The lady next door walks over. She goes back to find her husband."
"He brings a ladder and tools. Removes the door from hinges."
"Lois runs to Paul's room. He's sound asleep."
"Why didn't she break a window?" Harry turns back to me.
"Ladies don't think of doing those messy things," I say.
"She was outside too long and caught pneumonia. When I arrived for Easter, she was in the hospital, delirious with fever. I stayed there night and day until she was 'out of the woods.' What a scare. If she finds out about this gambling business, she might leave me. I need Lois, but she doesn't need my money. Her dad made it big in the iron and steel business.
"That explains her trust fund. So don't go to the dog track again. Then Janet won't tell Betty and Betty won't tell your wife."
"What about Joe's? I don't want to give up those crabs."
"Only go to Joe's with family. If you go with your buddies, they might tempt you into betting on a couple of races...and a couple more...then you'll be off and running like those dogs, gambling again."
"Great idea. Problem solved."
"You've been saying that since May. Since none of my suggestions have worked for you, and you are really in a pickle with Janet, you might have to try something severe."
"Like what?"
"Don't go to South Beach at all without family. If that doesn't do the trick, move away."
"Matter of fact, I've been thinking about retiring and relocating after Janet graduates."
"What are you going to do about her junior and senior years?
"Only go to South Beach with family and play a lot of golf in Viridian."
"Sounds like a winner."
Harry's secretary rings. His 1:30 client is waiting. I make my exit.