Scene 50

Scene Fifty...Superman
Time: Evening, Monday, June 1, 1946
Place: William's boat
Storyteller: William

Tony has only been here a couple of hours and Tom is already sleeping in his lap. "I like your cat, Moses...I mean William. Golly I'll try harder."

"It wasn't right of me to ask you to call me William. To ask a priest to must be a mortal sin."

"Nope. I should call you William. You're in a Catch-22."

"Practicing medicine without a license is illegal...I could go to jail.
Refusing to save a life, when able, is immoral...I could go to hell.

"But Clark Kent always does the right thing and so do you. Maybe you really are Superman. Maybe your biological father beamed you down into my church from Krypton, right before the planet exploded?"

"You'll never let me live that one down...back when I was a delirious half drowned kid."

"Never...I thought you were gone...never prayed so hard in my life, and I've done a lot of praying."

"New subject. Thanks for using that plane ticket, even if the wedding is postponed. I need family right now, and you're it."

"When do I get to meet Betty and the family?"

"Janet came home today, but they still want to have a party for you tomorrow night. Betty will be here as soon as she can break away. The three of us will celebrate at Sal's. Try speaking Italian to him."

"Have you and Betty told them your plan to get out of hospital work?"

"No, no, no. To get out of the hospital is one thing, but to get out of the country is another thing entirely. Harry won't like that plan one bit. Neither will Janet."

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